Designer Milan Sipek discusses how to tap into creativity and find inspiration
On November 9, 2015, European designer Milan Sipek gave a talk at Tongji University in which he discussed the topic of finding inspiration with students. Sipek, known for pioneering the category of modular furniture and for his work as a Czech crystal designer, is also a respected interior, landscape, and product designer.

During the talk, Sipek addressed a question that he is frequently asked when presenting his work to audiences or clients: "What is your source of inspiration?" Sipek admitted that he doesn't particularly enjoy this question, as it is often difficult to answer and, for him at least, there is not always a clear answer.

True creative thinking, Sipek explained, is free and unrestricted. There is no manual for finding inspiration, and it can be sparked by anything - music, literature, or even a random encounter on the street. To tap into inspiration, one must keep their mind, heart, and senses open to receiving it. This means allowing oneself to make random associations, which can be surprising and unexpected, and recognizing when inspiration strikes.

Of course, having a strong foundation of theory and technical knowledge is also important in order to build upon and execute the ideas that inspiration brings. But ultimately, Sipek emphasized the importance of letting go of preconceptions and expectations and being open to the unexpected in order to truly embrace creativity and find inspiration.