Creating a High-Impact Space for Real Estate Marketing

Milan Sipek and his Shanghai design team were tasked with creating a sales center for a real estate company in the U-City project in Foshan, Guandong. With an area of 900 sqm and completion in 2015, this project was a unique opportunity for the team to showcase their architectural and interior design skills.

The design of the sales center was inspired by the real estate development created by the client, and Sipek Design was tasked with creating a space that would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The design features numerous custom-designed elements throughout the space, including a grand entrance between two large wall slabs that are angled inwards, in combination with a rising slope in the floor and a mirrored slope in the ceiling, creating a distorted perspective that makes the entrance seem far longer and grander.

As guests enter the sales center, they arrive at a custom-designed service counter before entering the main space with a large atrium where the 3D model of the real estate development is displayed. A custom-made flying staircase gives access to the gallery and private sales offices on the second floor. The large back wall of the atrium is covered in a custom-designed butterfly pattern, which pays homage to one of the butterfly-shaped towers designed by Borek Sipek (Milan Sipek's father) as part of the real estate development.

The second floor is connected by a bridge that spans across the atrium gap, and in front of two floor-to-ceiling "live green walls". The sales center also features a bar area, an outdoor terrace, a gallery space, private sales rooms, and bathroom facilities. Sipek Design also created custom-made lighting elements and furniture items to complete the design, ensuring that every aspect of the space was perfectly tailored to the client's needs. The sales center in the U-City project in Foshan Guandong is a testament to the architectural and interior design skills of Milan Sipek and his team, and a prime example of the level of detail and customization they are capable of delivering to their clients.

#MilanSipek #Architecture #InteriorDesign #SalesCenter #UCity #Foshan #Guandong #CustomDesign #RealEstate #ServiceCounter #Atrium #ModelDisplay #FlyingStaircase #ButterflyPattern #LiveGreenWalls #BarArea #OutdoorTerrace #GallerySpace #PrivateSalesRooms #BathroomFacilities #CustomLighting #CustomFurniture #DesignInspiration #RealEstateDevelopment #BorekSipek #ShanghaiDesignTeam